Friday, July 24, 2009

Time Flies

I was just thinking, while looking at Maria's picture, that I can't believe I'm a mom. Then I thought it's amazing how many roles a person takes on in their lives. Our titles are ever changing. It's like we're always starting a new job and mine, right now, happens to be mama. It seems that just yesterday, which will actually be three years on Sunday, I just turned into a wife. And before that I was a fiance, a girlfriend, single woman, and so on! So right now I have a few titles. Mama, step mama, wife, daughter, sister, and woman. How many titles do you have and which one is your favorite. I know mine is being a mama. I love being a wife but I'll love it even more on Sunday, our three year anniversary. Happy Anniversary Baby!

I know plenty of people have been together longer but I feel that this 3 year mark is huge for us because our lives changed so much last year and we got through it. So here's to 47 more...I know you're thinking you only plan on being together 50 years well I plan on forever and so does Riley but 50 is our marker. Actually I'm going to count to 25, that's big enough when you're barely at 3.

When we get to our 25th anniversary, probably wrinkled up and a few greys, Maria will be 25, Riley will be 60 and I will be 52...WEIRD!

Anyway, back to the original topic...our titles, what's your favorite and why?

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