Friday, July 24, 2009

Time Flies

I was just thinking, while looking at Maria's picture, that I can't believe I'm a mom. Then I thought it's amazing how many roles a person takes on in their lives. Our titles are ever changing. It's like we're always starting a new job and mine, right now, happens to be mama. It seems that just yesterday, which will actually be three years on Sunday, I just turned into a wife. And before that I was a fiance, a girlfriend, single woman, and so on! So right now I have a few titles. Mama, step mama, wife, daughter, sister, and woman. How many titles do you have and which one is your favorite. I know mine is being a mama. I love being a wife but I'll love it even more on Sunday, our three year anniversary. Happy Anniversary Baby!

I know plenty of people have been together longer but I feel that this 3 year mark is huge for us because our lives changed so much last year and we got through it. So here's to 47 more...I know you're thinking you only plan on being together 50 years well I plan on forever and so does Riley but 50 is our marker. Actually I'm going to count to 25, that's big enough when you're barely at 3.

When we get to our 25th anniversary, probably wrinkled up and a few greys, Maria will be 25, Riley will be 60 and I will be 52...WEIRD!

Anyway, back to the original topic...our titles, what's your favorite and why?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Thank you all for the encouraging words, I really appreciate it and I'll keep you all up to date on the outcome. Keep your fingers crossed.

I've added all of you to by blog list and I'm not sure how it sends out the notification that I've written a blog. Does it send you an email or do you have to click on the link? If it sends you an email with just the text please, if you can, click on the link. It will show that my blog has traffic and this helps in my freelance writing endeavors.

Speaking of freelance writing endeavors I asked Albuquerque The Magazine if they needed contributing writers and it just so happened that they needed a Community Spotlight on the South Valley and they asked me to do it. So I've written the article and I've submitted it. Here's hoping it gets published. If it does I'll let you all know what issue it will be in.

Have a wonderful day and again thank you for reading my blogs and commenting!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Funnies

I'm back after a three day hiatus, I was working from home and watching Maria, there just wasn't time to blog let alone shower.

So I get home on Monday and Riley looks haggard. He hasn't showered, he's shushing me because he just got Maria to sleep and he's looking at me with this "save me" kind of expression. Safe to say he's had a bad day. It was one of those days where Maria was fighting sleep, which she does on a regular basis, and he just couldn't do anything to make her happy. The one thing he did try fired back at him. He gave her the remote to play with, which she loves, and she hit her self in the head and blamed him...what a little lady. Then he proceeds to tell me he was trying to open her baby food and the seal was so tight he had to use his teeth to pry it open and when he did...wait for exploded in his face. I can't stop laughing and he's looking to me for sympathy and I do sympathize but I just can't control myself. Maria in the mean time has woken up and I'm holding her and she's looking at him like "that's right, my mama's home and I'm telling on you." It was hilarious. She would turn and smile at me and when she looked at him, she would just glare. How is it that she's already a moody little girl? How is it that she's developed her mother's personality in 6 short months? She's happy go lucky, but don't piss her off...she's my clone!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Learning As I Go

As you all know I've been trying to start a freelance writing career and so far, no go. I've been looking at everyday and I ran across a series that a contributing writer is starting and let me tell you it's the kick in the butt I needed. The Series is called "How to get blogging jobs and web writing jobs – getting started" and if you're at all interested please take a look and if you have questions or just want to comment Jennifer is great about responding.

So Jennifer's first tip is start a blog, which I've done. The next tips are write about a specific topic and blog daily both of which I was not following. So here I am making a fresh start of writing daily on my personal blog. I've also decided to focus on being a new mother and parenting in general. I'm no expert at parenting but I'll share what tips I've run across and what I've learned from other moms. So I hope you all enjoy my new blog and if you have any tips or comments please feel free to email me and I'll try and respond or even write a blog about it.