Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What do you believe in?

My dad's friend Louise has a little boy named Elijah and he's 3 years old. Well they were at the Laundromat and they were making small talk with a woman also doing her laundry. Elijah just stood their and listened and then all of a sudden he put his finger on her belly and said "You have a baby in there!" The woman just about died because there was no way someone could tell. She was so early on she hadn't started showing. She put her hands over her eyes and began to cry. She said "I am pregnant, how did he know?" Louise, was just as shocked and asked Elijah "How did you know?" and he said "I just know mama."

I believe that children are closer to God and just know things and pick up on things more so than adults. Their senses are more acute and they have advanced observation skills. So what do you think? What made Elijah come to this conclusion with no obvious signs? Can it be explained?

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