Thursday, April 2, 2009

3am Feeding and's sick

Buenos Tardes Readers!

I'm practicing my spanish because me mi mama and I are going to start taking a spanish class together. My mom by no means needs the class because she's really good at conversational spanish and she can read it really well. She's doing it more for me because I want to be able to teach Maria spanish and it's my way of getting in touch with my heritage.

Anyway I slept really well last night and that's a feat. I owe a lot of it to Riley. I told him I was exhausted and he said go to bed I'll take care of the baby. I was in bed at 9:30 and slept, uninterrupted until 3:00am. That's when Maria woke up needing a diaper change and a bottle. I changed her and started feeding her and then Riley took over while I moved the whites to the dryer and made a pot of coffee. That's right people of I was up at 3am and I was doing laundry and making coffee, how crazy am I! But I feel great. I feel like I got a lot done, I feel like one those super moms who can do everything. Now I just need to clean my house and if any of my readers know me personally you know I don't keep the house as well kept as I should. But the point is I did laundry, I hate laundry, and I even got up to do it at 3am...that's just nuts.

After all that was done I went back to bed and slept till 4:30, that's when I get up to get ready for work. Now here's something...I blow dried my hair and it looks fabulous. I haven't used the blow dryer in a long time. It's in my bathroom, still plugged in, collecting dust and whatever else collects in the bathroom...eeewww, don't think about it, it'll gross you out. Since having the baby, it's just been go, go, go, and I never did my hair because, well I had better things to do, but today I did my hair and it did my self-esteem some good. It's amazing how something so small can change how you feel. So as you can tell I'm feeling pretty jazzed today. I'm feeling refreshed and geared up to take on the day.

I'm like that woman on the suave commercial with the 3 kids, doing laundry, running around and all the while with fab hair!

So if a few small things can make me feel energized and ready to face the world what are the small things that do it for you?

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